Wired Pig's WorldThursday, May 11, 2006
Holding Hands With ICE According to Oregon DOC (Department of Corrections - that's PRISON) statistics and inmate lists, there are 909 CURRENT inmates in DOC custody who are on ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement - READ Old Immigration service) holds. DOC TOTAL INMATES - 13,254 (100%) DOC TOTAL INS HOLDS - 909 (6.86%) Are all 909 illegal? Likely not... are some? You bet'cha! If you look at the list that was compiled, at the link below, you'll see that there are a DISPROPORTIONATE number who have a nation of birth listed as MEXICO. Yes Canada, Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Yugoslavia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Bosnia, Laos, etc... are listed as well.. as is one guy from the United States who ICE wants... Why should you as a taxpayer care? Because it translates to nearly $22.5 MILLION a year to house, feed, cloth and secure those 909 inmates... Something to think about. Where is that money coming from? Why you, bend over and take it, the nice Oregon Taxpayer. By my reasoning, if we could save the nearly 7% that DOC is spending on housing INS holds (See ** below), we could save nearly $22.5 MILLION... pretty good chunk-o-change for the state to save after all of its financial problems... ie DHS over budget (due to illegal aliens getting assistance), shools off budget, etc... you get the idea. What is an ICE hold? Simple, they are NOT US citizens (Illegal, VISA Stay, in Application for Citizenship, Permanent Resident Alien, etc.) and have committed a crime. As a result, they are, once their current incarceration is over, to be deported to their country of birth or legal residence OUTSIDE the US. ** Look at the post from Daniel Is Right here. I'll post my breakdown by counrty of birth later on... that way you can see the percentages from each country...
posted by Glenn H at 5/11/2006 12:13:00 PM
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A peek into the mind of a techno cop... What is a techno cop? Easy... a cop that uses technology to do his job better, uses technology at home, and uses technology all the stinkin' time! Wired Pig is a divorced and remarried retired cop with 5 kids... all girls. He likes computers (desktop, pocket, anything technical) and photography.
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