Wired Pig's World

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Doctor pushes to make smoking an act of child abuse

The movement is to make smoking around kids a form of child abuse. The crime would include smoking while you are pregnant, smoking around kids inside your home and smoking inside a vehicle with kids inside.

Dr. Chris Covert-Bowlds is a member of the informal, unorganized and quiet movement toward making it a criminal act to smoke around kids.

Results from a KATU News/Survey USA poll show that a strong majority of people in our area think smoking should be considered child abuse, whether it is while pregnant, while in the car with a kid or inside your home.

This is nothing new... once smokers were in the majority and smoked at will everywhere. Being a smoker I don't mind not smoking in a restaurant or, as in Washington State, within 25 feet of a door into a business. I don't get upset about it.

When Initiative 901 takes effect Thursday, cigarettes will have to be snuffed out in all bars, public places and card rooms. There are no exceptions in the nation's strictest statewide ban, aside from Indian casinos, because they aren't subject to state law.

Not for tobacco-centric bars such as the Ballard Smoke Shop, not for ferry terminals, not for huge indoor-outdoor venues such as Qwest Stadium. Starting with this Sunday's Seahawks game, there will be no more smoking zones, and fans who wander out of the stadium to light up won't be allowed to re-enter, per league rules.

The new law also requires anyone who does step outside a bar or restaurant for a quick smoke to stay 25 feet from any door or window while lighting up, unless that business gets special dispensation from local health officials.

Look at wonderful Calabasas, California -
Smokers who can't or won't kick the habit can still light up in public as long as they are "at least 20 feet away from any path of travel, doorway or place where people congregate."
If someone complains, the smoker will have to extinguish the cigarette or move, according to the ordinance.

People violating the ban will be ticketed and possibly fined. The city said it expects to rely on warnings and citations but will consider more serious penalties for willful or repeat offenders.People will still be allowed to smoke in their homes.

"The only exception is if your apartment, back yard or balcony is directly adjacent to a common area, such as a laundry room or pool," the city announced in a list of frequently asked questions on its Web site.

I saw this part coming 6 years ago... how cruel can you be to smoke within 20 feet of you kids? (Sarcasm intended). How will we, as Americans, ever live without the government telling us what we can and cant do?

Oh yeah... there never was anything called Smokers Rights... Didn't you know it was bad for you?

And we all know that the liberals are all of helping business and the poor... a smoking ban would surely not harm business', right? Pshaw... dream on. According to various news reports the Washington State ban has caused business to close down... its been widely reported here in the Portland area. You can also read bout it here on the To The People Blog.

posted by Glenn H at 4/30/2006 06:33:00 PM
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