Wired Pig's World

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Voicemail Audio

Okay... I've made a few test calls and downloaded the audio, uploaded the audio and now its ready for you to listen to and draw your own conclusions.

  1. AIMPhoneline Audio
    Comments: Only one of the 3 that gives you MP3 audio by default. Cannot customize greeting. Can only get audio from the AIMPhoneline site.
  2. NetZero AKA: Privatephone
    Comments: Lowest bitrate. Can customize greeting. Can have audio emailed to ANY email address.
  3. K7 Unified Messaging
    Comments: Highest bitrate. Can customize greeting. Can have audio emailed to ANY email address.

DISCLAIMER: I have not listened to the audio. I called each of the voicemail numbers from my cell phone. As a result of my location, the audio may not be the best due to weak cell signal. I will redo the audio once I get home and can call.

posted by Glenn H at 7/22/2006 04:00:00 PM
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Free Voicemail?

Do you have a webcast or podcast and want to be able to have your listeners leave you some feedback in their own voice? Well there are a few options for you:

  • Privatephone
    Gives you a FREE voicemail number. I have one setup in my parents area... and it can forward the voice message to your regular email account. Customize the # of rings and greeting. You can also turn it on and off. Call me on Privatephone by NetZeroVoice at (254) 230-9473
  • AIM Phoneline
    Run by AOL, this is another FREE service. Not very customizable. You can leave me a message at AIM Phoneline by calling (303) 395-6656
  • K7 Unified Messaging
    Just opened this account. You are limited to a Seattle (WA) number, but you can try and search for an available vanity number. Give me a call thru K7 (International Telcom LTD) at (206) 203-3241

I know there are more providers out there. I want to limit my checking and hit the three that I have found to be the biggest.

posted by Glenn H at 7/22/2006 01:45:00 PM
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Awesome Podcasts

Here are a few links to sites that I feel have well done Podcasts:
  • eVeNT HoRiZon
    Hosted by a former jarhead and squid... its about beer, military reminiscing and technology.
  • CopCast
    A Police centric podcast. Segments on technology and law enforcement.
  • American Jihad
    Part of OpenFire.us Conservative, anti-islam, pro-American... what else needs said?
  • The LOST Podcast with Jay and Jack
    Its about LOST... all LOST, with sidetracks into who knows what along the way.

posted by Glenn H at 7/22/2006 12:24:00 PM
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Audio Test Post

this is an audio post - click to play

Just a test post using Audio Blogger... no need to listen.

For those interested, Audioblogger limits calls to 5 minutes, so podcasting isn't really possible using this feature. Audioblogger does, however, give you the option of making another post when you are finished with one. But I cant see a string of 5 minute posts making your podcast fans happy.

posted by Glenn H at 7/22/2006 10:52:00 AM
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cool Stuff

I guess that I've recently joined the 'in crowd'. I have an iPod. Yes, after deciding I was never going to get anything by Apple, here you have it. I feel like a Windows traitor... you see I had always considered myself a Creative Labs person.

Anyway, this is a cool device. Its allowed me to rediscover old time radio dramas, LOST podcasts, photography podcasts and, most of all, police related podcasts.

This is a slick and well designed device that, to date, I've onlyhad one problem with. The original iPod I bought could not, no matter what, be recognized by Windows. I took it in to a local Apple Store and had them look at it. They were able to get it to work, with a MAC, but under Windows it would refuse to work and display the folder and ! icon. So I took it back to the store where I bought it and was able to exchange it. So far, so good!

posted by Glenn H at 7/13/2006 11:19:00 AM
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It seems to me that, as of late, my life has been in a constant state of turmoil.
  • I've been 'under employed' and totally borred at work.
  • One daughter is, on her own accord, doing in-patient mental health treatment.
  • My bride, as a result of hating her job and the daughter above, is seriously stressing.

posted by Glenn H at 7/13/2006 11:09:00 AM
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This Journal

A peek into the mind of a techno cop... What is a techno cop? Easy... a cop that uses technology to do his job better, uses technology at home, and uses technology all the stinkin' time!

Wired Pig is a divorced and remarried retired cop with 5 kids... all girls. He likes computers (desktop, pocket, anything technical) and photography.

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