Wired Pig's World

Friday, November 26, 2004

An Open Letter to God....

Dear Father,

As you know Rose and I are divorced and have been for almost four years. The divorce was tumultuious at best and worse than the marriage ever was. In the parenting plan, I took it in the shorts so as to not fight with the girls mom and drag it out.
Originally the decree said that I could see the girls on alternating Sundays and Tuesdays. This soon passed into alternating weekends the girls could spend with me. That change was over three years ago. The girls have come to enjoy spending the weekend with me. Rose has continued meddling with me off and on... scheduling the girls for activities that impact my time with them.
Yesterday, after dropping them off after Thanksgiving dinner all that changed. I received an email from Rose saying that there would be no more weekends. She was going back to the original parenting plan... the one that was in place first.
I feel now that my world is crashing in around me. I dont know where to turn. I promised the little one that I would pick her up tonight for the weekend... as far as I knew at the time I was going too. Thats not happening now and I feel that she is hurt though I have not talked to her since last night.
Rose told me we were going to the 'letter of the decree' but in the same message tells me to pick them up Saturday. I told her that the decree says Sundays. The she sends me a message that I cant discuss with the girls about the impending move I have out-of-state or about parenting issues.
I'm so lost Lord. I am truly needy and in despirate need of your help and guidance. I am looking to you Lord to open her heart and let her see what she is doing to the children. I dont care so much about me as I do about the girls. I love them all so much. I will gladly give up all I own or will ever own to be able to remain a part of their lives.
Lord, if you tell me to fight for them I will. Knowing that You are with me and holding me when I am weak is all I ask. Please keep the girls safe and happy. Open their mothers heart to what she is doing. Allow others to intercede on Your behalf if it is your will.
I know I'm asking for things for myself in here... I'm sorry I am. I have a hard time removing my needs from that of seeing my children.
Lord and Father, please grant me the strength to pass this moment in time. I will glady give all I am in Your service. You have truly blessed me and protected me these past 37 years. I ask now that You do what is right in Your sight. Please spare the children from any pain or loss.
Into Your hands I pass my requests.

Through You all is possible.

posted by Glenn H at 11/26/2004 06:16:00 PM
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A peek into the mind of a techno cop... What is a techno cop? Easy... a cop that uses technology to do his job better, uses technology at home, and uses technology all the stinkin' time!

Wired Pig is a divorced and remarried retired cop with 5 kids... all girls. He likes computers (desktop, pocket, anything technical) and photography.

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