Wired Pig's WorldTuesday, May 04, 2004
Taser use in the news... and its not the most flattering... but accurate. What is never addressed is that like OC (pepper spray... mace to you who think its all the same) it falls in OC's spot on my agency's Use Of Force policy. So I need to wait until I get hit to Tase someone? I need to see a gun before I use it? Its shorter lasting than OC (the OC pain lasts 60 + minutes) comparred with the Taser and its 5 second ride. And yes, I've been hit by both the OC and Taser. I know how both feel. Can you fight through OC spray? Yes. Can you fight through a Taser shot? NO. Yes both hurt. But 5 minutes after I did the Taser shot I was out doing my job again. When I was hot with the OC I was out until I had it all washed off and I was 'clean'. I dont get it. Give me a tool and then have the ALCU or someone else tell me not to use it. Kiss mine. If it saves their life, I'll use it. If it saves mine or my partners life, I'll damn sure use it.
posted by Glenn H at 5/04/2004 01:31:00 PM
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A peek into the mind of a techno cop... What is a techno cop? Easy... a cop that uses technology to do his job better, uses technology at home, and uses technology all the stinkin' time! Wired Pig is a divorced and remarried retired cop with 5 kids... all girls. He likes computers (desktop, pocket, anything technical) and photography.
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